Picture with Nashville Mayor

The Inspire Music & Arts Academy Inc.
Logo graphic design created by: Gerika Ross
OUR PURPOSE: To inspire, educate, empower, uplift, motivate & promote the creative arts within The Bahamas and Internationally, for the overall purpose of enhancing and advancing the creative arts, through our Youth and Community Programs.
OUR MOTTO: Learning to Play, Playing to Learn!
OUR CORPORATION: This Corporation is organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, more specifically to:
a) Provide instructional workshops, music productions, educational training in the creative arts, volunteer/practicum hours, and scholarships
b) Develop services that assists the community with programs that are centered on promoting education and opportunities within our community
c) Provide conferences, seminars, mentorship, and musical showcases for the community and shall be governed by a board of directors which shall have all the powers vested by law and these by-laws.
Daryl Beneby
Judy Quarles
Lauren Hickman
Gerika Ross
Mustapha Ali-Bocus
Tanya Hanna
Robert Kibble
Dr. Jacqueline Hanna
Christophe Johnson
"Hello, please allow me to express my appreciation and surprise for the difference that I have seen in my self after only just one piano lesson with you, and a week of practicing your style of piano playing, and focused study. As a former piano student of many other teachers, I have always struggled with accuracy and have wondered if I would ever be able to play like others who seem to be able to hit keys and chords with so much accuracy; but your unique style of tutelage has removed that doubt and given me new hope, in just one week. As a result, I really believe that you should sell your teachings based on your unique style of teaching that many piano students, and experienced pianists, can benefit from. Thank you for giving me hope in playing the piano!"
The Inspire Music & Arts Academy Inc. is a proud supporter and operations manager of the 1st student lead podcast for the public school district of Nashville, TN. President and Chair Troika Hanna says, "Hawks Talk, Johnson Learning Center's podcast, was launched January 15, 2024, and is an exciting new venture that is not just a milestone for the school program but a beacon of inspiration and learning for our entire community of Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools and Nashville, TN." Hawks Talk Podcast Link

Constitution and Bylaws
Section 1: The name of the Corporation shall be The Inspire Music & Arts Academy Corporation
Section 2: The principal location of the corporation shall be in Tennessee with other offices as the Corporation may establish as the Board of Directors deems necessary.
Section 1: The Corporation is organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, more specifically to:
provide instructional workshops, music productions, educational training in the creative arts, volunteer/practicum hours, and scholarships
develop services that assists the community with programs that are centered on promoting education and opportunities within our community
provide conferences, seminars, mentorship, and musical showcases for the community
and shall be governed by a board of directors which shall have all the powers vested by law and these by-laws.
Section 2: The Inspire Music & Arts Academy Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. The Corporation may receive and administer funds for education and charitable purposes, within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. To that end, the Corporation is empowered to hold any property, or any undivided interest therein, without limitation as to amount or value: to dispose of any property and to invest, reinvest, or deal with the principal or the income in such manner as, in the judgment of the directors, will best promote the purposes of the Corporation, without limitation, except such limitations, if any, as may be contained in the instrument under which such property is received, these By‐Laws of The Inspire Music & Arts Academy Corporation or any applicable laws, to do any other act or thing incidental to or connected with the foregoing purposes or in advancement hereof, but not for the 2 pecuniary profit or financial gain of its directors or officers except as permitted under the Not‐for‐Profit Corporation Law.
Section 1: Board Role, Size, Compensation: The Board is responsible for overall policy and direction of the organization and may delegate responsibility for day-to-day operations to volunteers or staff it may employ and/or in the absence of staff to its committees. The Board shall have at least three members with the actual number as determined by the board from time to time. In addition, the principle staff member shall serve ex officio, non-voting.
Section 2: Board Members: Board members will not receive compensation other than reasonable expenses and will serve a term of 3 (three) years.
Section 2a: Chair will serve two consecutive three-year terms.
Section 3: Board Responsibility: Board members will contribute $600.00/per year, due on or before October 1st of each year. Board Members will also contribute not less than forty (40) hours per year of service.
Section 4: Officers and Duties: There shall be four officers of the Board consisting of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Vice-Treasurer who may serve no more than three-year terms. Their duties are as follows:
2.1. The Chair shall convene regularly scheduled Board meetings and committee meetings where so designated, or arrange for other members of the executive committee to preside at such meetings in the following order: Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
2.2. The Vice-Chair will chair committees on special subjects as designated by the board.
2.3. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of Board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all board meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each Board members, and assuring that corporate records are maintained.
2.4. The Treasurer shall make a report at each Board meeting. Treasurer shall chair the finance committee, assist in the preparation of the budget, help develop fundraising plans, and make financial information available to Board members and the public.
Section 5: Meetings. The Board shall meet at least quarterly (every 3 months), at an agreed upon time and place.
Section 6: Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board shall be called upon the request of the Chair or one-third of the Board. Notices of special meetings shall be sent out by the Secretary to each Board member postmarked two weeks in advance.
Section 7: Notice. Notice of each meeting shall be given to each voting member, by mail, or email not less than ten days before the meeting.
Section 8: Board Elections. Election of new directors or election of current directors to a second term will occur as the first item of business at the annual meeting of the corporation. Directors will be elected by a majority vote of the current directors.
Section 9: Quorum. A quorum of at least fifty percent of the Board members must be present before business can be transacted or motions made or passed.
Section 10: Notice. An official Board meeting requires that each Board member have written notice two weeks in advance.
Section 11: Resignation, Termination and Absences. Resignation from the Board must be in writing and received by the Secretary. A Board member shall be removed from the Board if s/he has three Board meetings absences in a year. A Board member or officer may be removed without cause by a three-fourths vote of the remaining directors.
Section 12: Vacancies. When a vacancy on the Board exists, the Secretary shall invite nominations for new members to be received two weeks in advance of a Board meeting. Such nominations shall be sent out to Board members with the regular Board meeting announcement and be voted upon at the next Board meeting. Vacancies will be filled only to the end of the particular term and the person so serving shall remain eligible for the full terms under provisions of Section III-1.
Section 1: Dissolution. Upon the dissolution of this corporation, assets will be distributed to another nonprofit corporation within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.
Section 1: These Bylaws may be amended when necessary by a simple majority of the Board of Directors. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Secretary to be sent out within fifteen days before the meeting at which they are to be considered.
These Bylaws were approved after proper notice at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation on January 05, 2024.
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Troika Hanna

Fred Whitley Jr.

Jayson Ambrose